Decepton lie Проверка на детекторе лжи

Цена: 120 ₽
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Оренбург — На сайте с 24 Sep 2018
  • Адрес компании: г. Оренбург, ул. Коммуны, 99
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An innovative product that allows to identify fraud using handwriting.
It is a mathematical model for calculating the lie, which is used in traditional (contact) a polygraph and modern psychological methods of detecting deception. Software module "Calligrapher" — "an alternative lie detector that is designed to detect concealed deliberately man information as described by the author manuscript text. The program is certified and approved for use by law enforcement and security agencies of Russia.
«Calligraphy» recognizes the false information provided no answers, in any language, because the programе made a graphic analysis of the contents of the letter, namely: pressure, changing the inclination of each artist, and so on.
A distinction should be drawn between "Calligraphy" from other графологических methods that give a general idea of the author of the manuscript-his psychological portrait, however, does not answer the question: "does the person hides any information describing an event?"
Handwriting (presented in a free form or in the form of a questionnaire) is processed by the program automatically so deleted subjective assessment of the information by a polygraph examiner. After processing the text that the author wrote in a State of high emotional stress (which was knowingly false information appears) will be highlighted in red ink "and exhibited" markers. Comparison of semantic and Psychophysiological characteristics on this answer gives a full and objective information about the event in General, and about the role of the author's manuscript. This allows you to identify the different shades of emotions, the author of the text (the fear of exposing, doubt, anger, etc). Additionally informative calm state of the writing, stresses the lack of intelligence information and the programmer is highlighted in blue and green colors. Ancillary chunks are highlighted in black. This means that the fragment was taken into account, used by both the additional material, but has not entered the number of frames processed by the psycho-emotional voltage. There is a "border" with medium-intensity markers in the manuscript means some stress by writing, in some cases, the phrase means that there may be lies, but more often it happens when a person is that that writes or replies. In addition, the program sets the accuracy of physiological responses (percentages) for each of the studied text or profiles on each issue.
For peer review, identified by calligraphic signs manuscript provides the function of sketchpad. It allows you to make an accurate assessment of identified by signs with graphological features. The fact that the handwriting is the result of the formation of the central nervous system of complex conditioned reflexes that have been lingering through multiple recurrence, and take into account their nuances to the accurate diagnosis of the manuscript.Manuscript requirement-it must be written on a special form a-4, a ballpoint pen. Filmed using the Xerox image of the manuscript are not suitable for the program. Not allowed to manuscript (at least partially) was written by different people. For the authenticity of the manuscript when it is receiving and transmitting electronically shall be borne by the Ordered. Handwritten text can be presented in structured form (questionnaire), broken into 2 parts: the first is libellee, the second questionnaire (a blank sheet, on which are visible only to the figures indicate the number of the field to answer a question from the first part of the questionnaire), and may be presented in any form. Note that the final text (written before) is not suitable for detecting deception, he is only suitable for the analysis of the psychological state of (total) in which the author was, at the time of writing the text. The writing should be made clear that he was not afraid to make mistakes, corrections, as well as to added words, approaching the edge of the sheet. The manuscript is legible, the slope of the lines must not be greater than 15° from the bottom edge. However, practice shows that the manuscript may be written and careless handwriting, and rewrite it is strongly discouraged because it might lose some important signs of Graphology. The customer should find out the cause of this (sabotage) or the handwriting of the author and previously was an indecipherable. This is done by mapping to the previously written text. Failure to follow instructions for writing a manuscript (questionnaires) the reliability of the results is reduced
Software «Calligraphy» allows to solve many technical tasks, greatly reducing the time factor information. The material can be obtained not only by working directly with a specialist, but do it myself and mailing material by email (for this manuscript is scanned with a 300 DPI and converted to формат.bmp или.jpg). It is important not to lose the quality characteristics of the material-the ink should not be lost because of the bruises of forms, the presence of seals punctures folder etc. after scanning, remove possible defects (stains, strips etc.). If you cannot get a copy from a scanner, the original is sent by mail. The specialist may also send e-mail.From a legal point of view, handwritten document is an act of free expression of the will of man, and, therefore, does not require the procedure of voluntary consent to conduct any tests with the person, as provided for in point of a polygraph. Tactical application of such research is very diverse: authentication autobiography or declaration of income, evidence of fraud, theft and embezzlement and transfer to another person of non-public information, treason, commit not to be approved of the Act (which is denied) or crime and temporary drill through action of a subject. It became possible to explore the human does not speak Russian, in his own language, as well as sick people and minors (with skills in writing provide answers).
If you compare it with the polygraph testing procedure, (which is a lie as well information), a study on the calligrapher is detected the deception as concealment and escape from the "disadvantageous" to the default theme or under the pretext of (can't remember, do not know, nor what not to do, etc.). This type of deception is difficult or technically impossible to identify the pin a polygraph.Before starting the procedure, the contracting authority should prepare in advance the research questionnaire, (a list of questions which should be answered writing) in his manuscript for this download a form on this website. the specialist they adapt in accordance with the methodology. Information on the impact of exposure to test various unfavorable factors and other important information is in the instructions to the customer (sent by email) after ordering. Questionnaire for the conclusion is an integral part of and shall be sent, together with the manuscript. On request (at additional cost) you can supplement a Psychophysiological study of psychological and Graphology portrait subject.Description of technology here


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Доставка в г. Оренбург, самовывоз г. Оренбург, ул. Коммуны, 99


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