Domestic violence Юридическая экспертиза

Цена: 120 ₽
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A stabe expresion of domestic violence" is taken to mean any intentional act or omission of the person against another that violates his constitutional rights and freedoms that causes or threatens to cause it contains the physical or mental suffering committed in the sphere of family relations. Thus, to this field are not only murder, intentional infliction of harm to the physical health of varying degrees, beatings, torture (the infliction of physical or mental suffering by systematic beatings or other violent acts), crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, but and incitement to suicide, illegal deprivation of liberty (such as imprisonment in his own apartment), as well as financial exploitation and abandonment in danger. Crimes that may qualify as domestic violence, are extremely common throughout the world, regardless of the degree of "maturity" of legislation protecting the object of violence and the level of economic and cultural development of the state. Domestic violence may be subject to men, but more often affects women and children. 

"Calligraphy" recognizes the false information provided by the respondent in any language, as the program produced a graphical analysis of the contents of the letter, namely the pressing force, the change in slope of the underline, etc.

It is necessary to distinguish between "Calligraphy" from other graphological techniques that give an idea of ​​the author rukopisi- his psychological profile, but do not answer the question: "Do people hide any information, describing a particular event?"

Interested in the handwritten text is then processed automatically by the program (therefore excluded subjective factor assessment information polygraph). The text that the author wrote in a state of heightened emotional stress - which was deliberately displayed false information - in the processing of information (as well as the derivation of its print) will be highlighted in red "ink." The same emotional stress a person experiences doubting any part of his testimony. Accordingly, calm state of writing, no hidden information is painted in blue and green colors. Black color means that the fragment was taken into account, the program is used as an additional material, but was not included in the number of fragments processed by psycho-emotional stress. Yellow color in the manuscript is some tension on the part of the writer, in some cases, means a phrase that may be present in a lie. Also, the program exposes the accuracy of physiological responses (as a percentage) for each test piece of text.

For a more accurate (expert) evaluation identified program calligraphic signs manuscript includes an option for the easel. It allows you to make an accurate assessment of the identified program features.

Requirement rukopisi- it should be written on special forms of A-4 (6 sheets), a ballpoint pen. Captured by the Xerox Image manuscripts are not suitable for the program. It is not allowed to the manuscript (at least partially) written by different people. For the authenticity of the manuscript when it is received and transmitted over communication channels borne by the customer. Customer research can not play the role of the audited entity, he can only act through an intermediary (lawyer or other person).

Handwritten text is presented in a structured form (questionnaire), broken into 2 parts: the first questionnaire, the second - otvetnik (clean sheet that displays only the numbers indicating the number of the field to answer the question in the first part of the questionnaire), and can also be presented in any form.

Should pay attention to the writing of man, that he was not afraid to make mistakes, corrections, and that it is not finished writing the words, approaching the edge of the sheet. It is assumed that the manuscript will be written legibly, overall slope lines should not more than 15 ° from the bottom edge of the sheet. At higher Inclination words are counted incorrect, which in turn reduces the accuracy of the result. However, practice shows that the manuscript can be written and sloppy handwriting, and rewrite it is not recommended because they may lose some of the important features of graphology.
From a legal point of view (for further proceedings in court) handwritten document - is an act of the free will of man, and this does not require the procedure of voluntary consent to any tests with the person, as provided when working with contact polygraph.

In comparison with the procedure polygraph testing, where good is revealed as false misrepresentation of information, research on calligraphy reveals obman- distortion of information and care from "unprofitable" for a default theme. Such information is very difficult to detect on the contact poligrafe- this is the main difference between the "Calligraphy" on a polygraph.

At the same time, this type of lie is common in sexual harassment and violence (intentional misrepresentation about yourself any data). To identify hidden information to the customer should be in advance to prepare a questionnaire (the list of questions that should be answered by the writer) in his manuscript, send a specialist to form a dough.

Specialist sends the forms and instructions on how, what rules should be followed when completing the forms.

  When all these conditions, answering questions from people like self-testing. In this heightened emotional stress in response to a specific set of questions in the manuscript would mean intentionally misrepresent (lie).

Completed forms the customer scans and sends a specialist via email. The test material is sent via e-mail (for this manuscript is scanned with the expansion of 300dpi and converted into a format or .bmp .jpg), without losing its quality characteristics of the test material. After scanning should remove possible defects (spots, stripes, etc.). Specialist analyzes the manuscript in a special program. And sends an automated response to the customer.

As a result of this research the customer receives the answer to the question "whether committed in respect of that person or no violence," and why the expert was made such a conclusion (which of prepared questions had the greatest excitement of the test and what the least).


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Доставка в г. Оренбург, самовывоз г. Оренбург, ул. Коммуны, 99


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Юридическая экспертиза
Domestic violence Юридическая экспертиза
Цена: 120 ₽