Kenda offers high-quality analogs of Warman centrifugal slurry pumps and parts.The pump range includes series: AH(R) / HH / L(R) / M(R); SP/SPR; G(H); ZGB / ZJ; AF. Structurally, the pumps can be made...
Tobee® 12x10ST-AH Slurry Pump is robust state of the art slurry pumps that feature oil or grease lubrication bearing assemblies and complete interchangeable with other major brands. The 12x10 centrifugal...
Slurry Pump Spare Parts namely the pump parts have direct connection with slurries, They are very crucial to the service life of slurry pumps. The wetted parts include impeller, liner, throatbush, frame...
Tobee® 4x3C-AH Slurry Pump is engineered with the latest hydraulic and wear technologies to cope with the most severe corrosive and abrasive slurry applications, The 4x3C-AH pumps feature patented innovative...
Tobee® 18x16TU-AH Slurry Pump is perfect for difficult mill duties with long wear life, It is most complete range of centrifugal slurry pumps for use in mining, industrial, and chemical applications. The...
Tobee® 3/2C-AH Slurry Pump is a heavy-duty slurry pump that designed to handle the most abrasive and dense slurries. The 3/2C-AH slurry pump offers users a wide range of seal and liner configurations,...
Опт / РозницаПривод: механические;Тип: ручной; Цвет: зеленый Насос ручной Alexika Hand Pump представляет собой очень удобный и практичные инструмент, с помощью которого вам удастся быстро накачать необходимы...
Опт / РозницаМатериал: пластик; Цвет: белый Длина шланга: 1 м Длина сетевого кабеля: 2 м Насос Jilong Filter Pump 300Gal предназначен для наполнения бассейнов водой. Его производительност...
Tobee® 4x3D-AH Slurry Pump is a standard horizontal dewatering pump for pumping abrasive slurries, designed for ultra heavy duty applications such as mill discharge, process plant and tailings, high pressure...
Tobee® 14x12ST-AHR Rubber Lined Slurry Pump is horizontal centrifugal heavy duty slurry pump and it is designed for the continuous pumping of high abrasive, high density slurries with minimal maintenance...
Tobee® 4x3D-AHR Rubber Lined Slurry Pump is the heavy duty slurry pump handling tough and abrasive duties. Rubber slurry pumps are widely used for continuous pumping highly abrasive/dense slurries in processes...
Tobee® TH Slurry pumps are interchangeable with world’s standard Warman AH slurry pumps for heavy duties, A wide variety of impellers and shaft seals provide a perfect fit for a wide range of applications....
Tobee® Slurry Pump Polyurethane Spare Parts directly contact with slurries, It is very crucial to the service life of slurry pumps. The worklife of Polyurethane parts is longer than Rubber materials for...
Tobee® 1.5/1B-AH Slurry Pump is end-suction, split-case, centrifugal slurry pumps have set the world standard for heavy duty abrasive pumping applications. With large shaft diameters, heavy duty bearing...
Пористость: от 1 мкм Размер: Мы производим картриджи из вспененного полипропилена всех необходимых форм-факторов, размеров и пористости, в том числе самые распространенные на рынке.Типоразмер: подходит...
Tobee® 8x6E-AH Slurry Pump is used for highly abrasive/density slurries in processes from cyclone feed to regrind, mill discharge, flotation, mine drainage and tailing in minerals plants plus other industrial...
Kenda offers high-quality analogs of Warman centrifugal slurry pumps and parts.The pump range includes series: AH(R) / HH / L(R) / M(R); SP/SPR; G(H); ZGB / ZJ; AF. Structurally, the pumps can be made...
Tobee® AH Series Slurry Pumps are the most comprehensive range of centrifugal slurry pumps for use in mining, minerals processing, coal preparation, dredging, metallurgy, power plant, chemical and general...